Our citizen seismology project in Haiti is based on the idea that seismic networks are not only made up of sensors but also of the people who gravitate around them, in particular the people who host the seismometers and the researchers who use the data, but also ultimately the general public, in particular the communities that surround the seismometer hosts.

Here are some of Haiti’s seismo-citizens, the dedicated volunteers who hosts seismometers. Their enthusiasm and genuine will to contribute to a project for the good of their country is amazing!

The low-cost, citizen-hosted seismological stations in Haiti as of March 30, 2023 are shown on the map below with red symbols. Yellow symbols indicate the conventional broad-band seismological stations operated by the Bureau of Mines and Energy.

Our effort also relies on scientists, in seismology and in sociology. This interdisciplinary approach is an innovative aspect of our project. The photograph to the right shows Prof. Steeve Symithe, from the State University of Haiti, URGéo Laboratory, in the process of installing a low-cost RaspberryShake seismometer. The seismometer is the small box to which Prof. Symithe is pointing to with his right hand.

Haiti’s Raspberry Shake seismometer citizen hosts:

Ann Hauge: Pacot, Port-au-Prince

Ann Hauge: port de St Louis du Sud

Amos Noel: ISTEAH, Milot

Ascencio Paul: Limonade

We made a video of the installation of the Raspberry Shake at Ascencio’s place in Limonade. Click here to watch it!

Bette Gebrian: Jérémie

Brian Oaks: Port-à-Piment

Dr Max Noel: Fort Liberté

Gefthe Devilme: Anse-à-Veau

Jean-Bernard Simonnet: Cormier Plage

Boukan Ginguette: Môle St Nicolas

Hotel Aldy: Aquin

Luc Désiré : Petit-Trou-de-Nippes

Marie Carmel Beaulieu: Jacmel

Neat Achille: ISPAN, Cap Haitien

Neil Van Dine: Pignon

Nicole Jean-Mary: Hinche

Père Emmanuel Volcy: Petite Rivière des Nippes

Père Gerard Dormeville: Gonaives

Pierre Guild Mezile: Jérémie

Renaud Bury: Les Cayes

Rommel Abellard: Ouanaminthe

Tony Marcelli: Cap Haitien

Eric Calais: Pétionville

Our RaspberryShake seismometer institutional hosts:

Gérard Métayer: SEMANAH/CODOMAR, Torcel and Jérémie

Steeve Symithe: Faculté des Sciences / URGéo, Delmas, Port-au-Prince

The research institutions involved:

Géoazur, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, OCA

LAM, Sciences Po Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux, France

PRODIG, Université paris 1, CNRS, Paris, France

Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center, Arpajon, France

URGéo, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’État d’Haïti

Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université d’État d’Haïti

École Supérieure d’Infotronique, Haïti

Bureau des Mines et de l’Énergie, Haïti

Collège Catts Pressoir, Port-au-Prince, Haïti